Saturday, May 3, 2008


Taxes are somewhat of a difficult thing to understand. They have obviously been a big deal in this election. Bush's infamous tax cuts for the wealthy caused problems for everyone throughout the entire country. What sense does it make to allow wealthier people to pay less taxes than poorer people? Both Clinton and Obama were against this tax policy from the very beginning. Obama stated clearly that wealthier people will pay more taxes than poorer people. This is how it should be. While wealthier people should not be penalized for being wealthy, in order for the economy to work properly, that is what has to happen. Poorer people cannot afford to pay all sorts of taxes and it is nearly impossible to ask them to. Hillary Clinton wants to put people back to paying Pre-Bush tax rates, but wants to expand child tax credit for the child's first year. She also wants to increase tax deductions for college students. Obama has somewhat of a different plan. He wants tax cuts for older people and families making $75,000.00 per year or less. He has a more progressive tax plan for our country. He also wants to provide tax incentives to create jobs at home rather than offshore. McCain has just been off and on with his support/disapproval of Bush's tax plans. At first he opposed them, then he supported them, then he opposed them. However, he does not want to raise taxes. He feels that could be the worst possible thing we could do for our country right now.

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