Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Divided Democrats--Brienne

It seems like the Democratic Party is more divided now than it ever has been before. The race is so close, so Obama supporters are being attacked by Clinton supporters and visa versa. It is okay for now. It is just a race and the supporters of different candidates are supposed to be rivals. However, after the Democratic Party has a presidential candidate, we are going to have to come back together if we want to get the Republicans out of the White House. With the way everyone is treating each other, this doesn't quite seem possible. It looks like we are burning too many bridges trying to win the primaries that we as a democratic group will loose the general election, which is the whole point. We need to all be able to get behind one candidate, whichever candidate that may be, in order to stop McCain, because I think mostly all democrats will agree that either candidate is better than McCain. On the other hand, though, why would I want to vote for someone who called me a latte sipping elitist (as Hillary Clinton said of Obama supporters)? I am not naive. I know politics is a dirty game. I know that almost any politician will do whatever they have to in order to get ahead. However, we as voters cannot buy into all of the insults and cruelty once we have our presidential candidate. We have to support whichever person wins the primary, or else John McCain will be the next president of the United States. We have to forgive the insults that were said towards us by the opposing candidate. Who knows, maybe Obama and Clinton will surprise us and choose the other as his or her running mate? Or have they burned too many bridges between themselves?

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