Saturday, May 3, 2008

Loss of Freedom of Speech--Brienne

This election is a huge deal. There is no doubt about it. It could quite possibly be the most important election in the history of the United States. I mean, lets face it. We have a very high possibility of having either our first woman president or our first black president. It is a historic moment in our lives. However, that does not mean that people have to right to take away another person's freedom of speech. Yesterday, my dad came to my work to drop off some keys. On his way out the door, he asked my where my Obama bumper sticker was. Well, I told him it was on the back of my car, like it has been for months. When I got off work, I checked my bumper, and the sticker was gone. I was so upset. It isn't the missing bumper sticker that I was upset about. It can easily be replaced. It was the fact that someone decided they could go up to my car, rip off my bumper sticker, and take away my freedom to express my support for a certain person. Just because someone doesn't agree with who I choose to support, that certainly does not give them the right to try to take my support away, or at least to shut it up. I have the right to put that bumper sticker on my car and no one but me has the right to take it off. I am also not the only person that this has happened to. One of the teachers at my school had an Obama yard sign. Someone took it down, ran over it with their bike, and put it back in a different location. My grandfather also had his bumper sticker torn off his car. I just don't understand why people think that they have the right to take away our freedom of speech. I don't understand why they think their opinion is worth more than my opinion, or my teacher's opinion, or my grandfather's opinion. Now, while people feel strongly towards certain candidates (I completely understand this, being a huge Obama fan myself), they should no express their feelings in this way. If they want to change my opinion, they should try it in a way that would make me actually respect their opinion.

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