Sunday, May 4, 2008

Obama rips Clinton

According to CNN Obama attacks Senator Clinton. On Saturday he said that Clinton's support for a summertime break from the federal gasoline tax symbolizes a candidacy consisting of "phony ideas, calculated to win elections instead of actually solving problems." Clinton told an audience of supports that, "Obama is attacking my plan to try to get you some kind of break."

This attack is all over a gasoline tax, which both have aired ads on the issue. Phil Singer, a spokesman for Clinton, responded, "Considering that Sen. Obama voted to suspend the gas tax three times when gas cost less than $2 a gallon and has an energy lobbyist chairing his Indiana campaign, it's hard to take his latest criticisms very seriously." Obama recently said that he opposed this because it would cost more money than actually saving money.

Beyond the arguments for and against the tax, the issue has assumed a far larger significance in recent days. Clinton is using it to buttress her argument that Obama is out of touch with the needs of working-class Americans and Obama is citing it as an example of his opponent's embrace of what he calls old-style politics. Both want to extend the debate on this issue, so I guess we will see how this issue play out with the Dem's.

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