Friday, May 2, 2008

Obama Rally--Brienne

Today Benjamin McKenzie came to Transylvania University and spoke on behalf of Barack Obama. He talked about all different topics, ranging from the way he grew up politically to why he feels Barack Obama is the best candidate. He did his best to answer question regarding the policies of Obama, and he admitted that he would not be able to answer every question. Basically, he showed he strong subjects as well as his weak ones. Now, as I said in my last blog, I feel that the entertainment industry and politics should remain separate. However, these are the kind of people that the candidates should have campaigning for them. I don't mean celebrities, but people who will share what they know and how they feel, as you cannot see that in many politicians. They should have people who will answer questions but be laid back and relaxed. Most politicians are very uptight and have to be extremely careful about what they say. However, their campaigners do not. They can treat people normally. They can talk to them on an equal level. Many times, if politicians try to relate to their voters, they get punished for it by their competitors. Take Barack Obama for example. A few weeks ago in Pennsylvania, Obama tried to relate to his voters by saying that they weren't happy with their current situation. He said many past presidential nominees have promised to help them, but none of them have and he hoped to be the one to change it. Then Hillary came out saying that the were not upset and that Obama was out of touch with the voters. All Obama was trying to do was to be on the same level as his voters and in turn, he got punished. This is why they need people to campaign for them. They need people who can say the things that need to be said without having to say them themselves. I felt after this Benjamin McKenzie experience that this is what he did. He related to the everyday voters, which should be the goal of all the presidential candidates out there.

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