Sunday, May 4, 2008

Representative Richard Henderson

Last Wednesday, Representative Richard Henderson spoke to one of my college classes. If you don't know he is running for a third term in office and he wanted to tell us why we should vote for him. He spoke on many different issues like college tuition and a bill that he has tried to pass, but failed to do so. The one thing that caught my attention most was his thoughts of new bridge being built in Northern Kentucky. The only thing that the state can't figure out is how to pay for it. Therefore, most of the House has come up with the idea of putting a toll on the bridge. Most Representatives liked the idea except for the several from Northern Kentucky. They don't want their communities to have to pay, every time that they use the bridge. So, since they don't want that; why can't they put tolls in every part of the state that leads to a major interstate. Like Northern Kentucky, Louisville, Southern part of Kentucky leading into Tennessee, and Eastern part that leads to West Virgina? Rep. Henderson's response was that the Representatives from those districts don't want those, including him. When he told the class that, I was in shock. I wondered how could he be for something and against it at the same time. He wants to put one in Northern Kentucky and make the people there have to pay and not put them elsewhere. If the tolls were other places like I mentioned before then maybe tuition would be so high and the state would get extra money. The only answer that I got after several questions was, POLITICS.

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