Monday, April 7, 2008


The race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is probably one of the closest presidential races our country has seen. The ending result will basically come down to the superdelegates, which I will admit is one aspect of this campaign that I just do not understand. However, after reading one article in the New York Times, it has become clearer to me. Superdelegates are basically delegates who are uncommitted to any one candidate. Where delegates from each state have to vote for candidates in proportion to the way the popular vote turned out, superdelegates may vote for whomever they chose. Now, in the beginning, Clinton was receiving most of the superdelegate votes, but now many of the superdelegates are switching from Clinton to Obama. In the end, Hillary will need two-thirds of the superdelegate votes in order to win the primary, even in the best case scenario. While many people still have hope that she will triumph over Obama after the primaries have finished, I have doubt that this will happen. There is too much ground for her to recover in order for her to win. However, many more difficult tasks have been accomplished in the past, so it is still impossible to call the race. The tides have definitely turned in this primary and I can’t wait to see who will win overall.

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