Monday, April 28, 2008

President Bush Honors a Solider

While Democrats and Republicans were fighting over who could describe what to do about the war, President Bush was honoring a fallen solider. Michael Monsoor received the Medal of Honor for protecting his fellow soldiers. A grenade was thrown onto the Ramadi rooftop, that he was patrolling and bounced off his chest. This didn't kill the solider, but it was going to kill two of his comrades. Instead of letting it hit the other two men, Monsoor threw himself on top of it and trade his life for theirs. President Bush had tears in his eyes as he described what kind of a man Monsoor was. I feel like these are the types of stories that we should hear about in the news, instead of how many are dying and how President Bush isn't doing his job. President Bush has a tough job and I know that most Americans wouldn't have been able to look Monsoor's mother in the eyes while giving her his award. President Bush is an awesome President for honoring young men just like Monsoor. The president also cares about our soldiers that are fighting for our freedom; the rest of America should too.

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